lange ist es her und ich weiß gar nicht wo ich anfangen soll.. Ich bin jetzt erstmal für eine Woche im kalten Dänemark und werde jetzt so richtig die kalte See genießen! Aber ich werde jetzt noch mal kurz die letzten 2 Wochen zusammen fassen.. zwar ohne Reihenfolge und völlig willkürlich, aber ich glaube das macht nichts oder?! Also los geht's!!
- der Londontrip mit meiner Klasse, der mit einigen kleinen Katastrophen (7 Rollstuhlfahrer im dritten Stock und der einzige Fahrstuhl geht kaputt) dennoch recht gelungen war - erste Modelarbeiten für meine Schüler - nervige Erkältung - tolles, teures Wochenende in London, da dort ein Treffen unserer Organisation in einer Disco stattgefunden hat, und dazu dann auch zur netter, brasilianischer Musik getanzt wird! - Eva und ich waren in der letzten Woche alleine, da die anderen von ihrer Organisation aus Veranstaltungen hatten und in England verstreut waren - deswegen wurde ein Filmemarathon gestartet; von den Filmen "The Social Network", "Brokeback Mountain", "Memoirs of a Geisha" und "Pirates of the Caribbean" hat dann am Ende "Memoirs of a Geisha" das Rennen gemacht und ist eine klare Empfehlung von unserer Seite aus - beim Filme gucken ist uns aufgefallen, dass wir nicht mehr in der Lage sind amerikanisches Englisch zu verstehen, und ich weiss nicht, ob das ein gutes oder ein schlechtes Zeichen ist - ausserdem habe ich vor 2 Wochen dafur gesorgt meine Schulaktivitat zu wechseln und meine neue Aktivitat heisst nun Basketball!! Es ist der Hammer, denn ich muss wie die anderen auch in einem Rollstuhl spielen und versuchen gleichzeitig zu dribbeln und zu fahren, welches recht schwierig ist, aber unheimlich viel Spass macht - aber wie das Schicksal es so will musste ich beim letzten Mal einen Unfall haben, bei dem ein winzig kleiner Teil meines Knochens im Finger fehlt und der Muskel nicht verbunden ist - das bedeutet 6 Wochen lang ein Verband tragen, kein Basketball mehr und mehrere Krankenhausbesuche.. jihaa! - jetzt habe ich erstmal Urlaub und werde diesen auch so gut es geht genießen!!
Ich glaube das war auch im Wesentlichen alles Erwähnenswerte von den letzten 2 Wochen. Ich werde mich später wieder melden und hoffe ihr schaut auch beim nächsten Mal wieder vorbei!
xxx Jan xxx
Achja und da dieses Mal alles etwas durcheinander ist werden die kommenden Bilder dabei keine Ausnahme machen!
Heyaa guys, welcome to a new post about music. I was very insecure about posting something about music, but now I finally did another post. And I have a new thing going on.. namely a monthly post about music that I like, categorised into different countries. Today we're gonna start with.. the alphabet: A,B,C,... with A like Australia!! So let's have a look at my Top 10:
10.Gotye - Heart's a Mess Yeah, I think everyone heard of Gotye's famous song "Somebody that I used to know (feat. Kimbra)", but I'm pretty much sure that this is nearly the only song that they know, because Gotye is alternative! He is making a lot of interesting and different stuff, sometimes awkward sometimes brilliant. The following song is one of my favourite song by him, which is called "Heart's a mess", kind of a midup-tempo ballad with a massive chorus and very chilly. I'm absolutely a fan of his voice and of his style in music. So let's have a look at number 10! Ah and for everyone who wants to see another amazing song has to search for "Bronte"!! Enjoy!!
9. Sam Sparro - Black & Gold Another chilly sound, with a quite long instrumental beginning, while increasing the suspense of itself when it comes finally to the verse and his voice! I love when he starts to sing: "If the fish swam out of the ocean And grew legs and they started walking"
I really much like the lyrics in which he is talking about love with giving examples from evolution and biological processes in general. For me it's again alternative-pop and it's very nice to listen to. So take your headphones, turn your speakers up and here we go!
8. Matt Corby - Brother Yay, now it's time for (again) a very chilly sound from Australia! I just know this song because of the Australian girl Liz, but the more and more I'm listening to it the more I like it. And as you can see it's after 3 days now in my top list of Australian music! I very much like the organic choir sound at the beginning. Well, compared to other songs of Corby I would claim that this is one of his fastest songs! Really, normally he is the singer of wonderful melodic ballads and the voice of everything compared with travel, holiday and freedom. Might sound a little bit exaggerated, but let's have a listen and you will see!!
7. Empire of the Sun - Swordfish Hotkiss Night Weird, weird or weird.. well it's hard to say anything else to this song of our "We are the people"-singers. This mixture of electronical music, deep bass, strange voice changes and this weird lyrics is the key for why I love this song so much! It's a mystery in itself, I mean what is he singing about? But this time I don't really care I love it weird, so enjoy number 7!!
6. Gabriella Cilmi - Vicious Love I claim that everybody has heard of her, but can't remember her name. That's normally the case and it was very quiet for the "Sweet About Me" girly during the last years. A lot of things were going on, after her international hit in 2008 she released her debut album with well success and in 2010 she released her second album called "Ten". Cilmi became 18 and was now ready to present a sexier version of herself as well as more commercial electronic-pop .. well these were the thoughts of her label. The resolution: less success, a CD with totally different music than she would like to do and finally she quit her label and was then on her own. A lot of time to think, the beautiful hair were cut off, a new label was found and her third and maybe the most honest CD of herself will be released in November.. and I love every single tune that I heard so far! And after a short biography it's time for some true music! This time I don't want to say something about the song, just that you can hear her development of becoming a real lady, standing on her own feet!
5. Sia - Bring Night
Another case of being heard without staying in memory. You might remember songs like "Titanium", "She Wolf (Falling to Pieces)" or "Wild Ones", written and sung by herself as well as "Diamonds" by Rihanna. Sia, the crazy, freaky girl from Australia is definitely a real artist. She is writing everything on her own, her music videos are so weird and so creative that I'm asking myself where does it all come from? No more explanations to that, you have to see it yourself! Please don't confuse Sia with the popular house sounds, normally she is doing non-commercial pop with a weird taste. Also she is my queen of ballads like "Breathe Me", "My Love" or "Soon We'll Be Found", but I chose an unusual track by her called "Bring Night". That's the sound of luckiness! I don't want to hold a speech, so why not having a quick look to the link below?!
4. Iggy Azalea - Bounce
Bounce is definitely the grooviest song of this list! It's fast, it has a lot of bass and female rap verses! That's the way Iggy Azalea is doing her music. Her music video was recorded in India and it's obviously not looking Australian. Well, I like this track so much. It makes me wanna dance and enjoying the bass! According to the lyrics I must admit that they are typically mainstream, in which it's just about dancing, partying and stuff like that, but I really much enjoy also this kind of music!! It might be different, but you may like it. So take the trip and let's see what'll happening!
3. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - O'Children
The most melancholic song in this list! And I really much love it! It takes you on the trip and suddenly you start to become melancholic, thoughtful and a wiser person.. okay a little bit far-fetched, but kind of this.
Moreover I think that some real Harry Potter might have heard of this song, because it is in the first film of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The perfect song for the scene in which Hermione and Harry are dancing with each other and trying to forget the world around them.
It's really hard to explain the feeling of the song. So my advice: Try to listen to the whole song and I'm sure you won't regret it!
2. Sia & Diplo - Elastic Heart (ft. The Weeknd)
And it's Sia again! Well, she really deserved to be in the list twice! I can repeat about her massive voice, her great personality and her career, but I'm not gonna' do so. Why not focusing on the song, which is going to be on the official soundtrack for the film "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire". The instrumental part is kinda chilly and groovy at the same time, while Sia's vocals are overwhelming as usual! But I think that this song don't need The Weeknd's part, because she is a great singer and don't need a supporting singer!
Nevertheless I did last week a photoshoot inspired by this song, so I think that means something..!
And the decision between 1 and 2 was very difficult, so let's enjoy this wicked tune!
1. Gabriella Cilmi - The Sting
Ohhh soo exciting... the number one isssss "The Sting"!
As I said I love Gabriella Cilmi and her development in music! It's great to see an artist who is doing true music, written by herself and sounds like herself! The Sting is Cilmi's first single of her third album, also called "The Sting" and is potraying about a person who is hiding from fears and tries to avoid every potential issue in life. Therefore she used some metaphors of bees and the lovely devil.
I'm in love with song and the lyrics! My favourite part is:
"If the devil were a woman
I wouldn't have to run away
If the devil were a woman
Maybe she'd understand me"
Also I hope I'm able to see her soon, 'cause she now she is living in London and well.. I'm finish for this month, thanks Australia for so many good tunes! Don't mind if I forgot some of your favourites, but this is my personal list, so goodbye and enjoy "The Sting"!!
Welcome to my first English post and I hope I'm able to continue writing German and English.. also it's slightly different than the German version, but now it's time to have a quick overview of the last week.
Actually my last week was again alright, I really enjoy my project and I am nearly always busy, but in a positive way! Nevertheless it was very cold, rainy and freezing.. well I'm in England so I didn't have any other expectations! During the last week there weren't any special moments, so I'm concentrating on my last freakin' weekend!
In the Friday evening Monika (the girl from Hungary) and I had to leave Alton and we were on our way to London!! It was very hectic, because we wanted to arrive early (means 9.30 pm). The reason for our trip is the birthday of a good friend of mine, called Tabea who is also a volunteer from Germany and living in Orpington, which is a district of London, very much on the edge of the London border. So we took the fast train and after 20 minutes we arrived. And there was no London feeling anymore, because it was like that we travelled to another small town. Well, after we were several times lost, while it rained cats and dogs we finally arrived at our destination!!
In the meantime our lovely volunteers in Alton were again spending time in searching for the perfect pub. And this time they were encouraged by a real British lady!! Namely our coordinator from Treloar who wanted to go out with us in a pub and just having a nice chat. According to their talks it should have been very, very lovely, but also weird.. No more comment to that!
Coming back to Tabea's birthday I have to clarify that there was a massive party going on and with our arrival it was just going better... 'cause we were the first ones! So we talked a lot and the more guests were coming the better it got and finally the party started.. in the kitchen?! I mean there was a huge and cosy sitting room, but we prefered the kitchen. Anyway, here you can have a watch through some pictures:
The party ended at 5am with loud music, a lot of weird dances and pretty much fun! During the night I talked with "old" friends from the arrival camp, but also met nice new people like DoDo from Taiwan and the amazing Liz from Australia, who are also living in the house! So great, great, great!! On the next day Tabea and I went to London Oxford Street, definitely the shopping hell in London and oh gosh I hate this place so much! Everyone is grumpy, busy and so damn rude that you are purely becoming the same mood. And it's so crowded and it takes ages to finally enter into the shops.. I'm looking forward to Christmas shopping!!
Nevertheless I said goodbye to Tabea and I went with the Brazilian girl, Mariana to Camden Town. And what could I say.. I love Mariana for her happiness and calmness as well as Camden Town itself! There are so many alternative shops and international stuff that it was so hard not to stop at every dump. Well we did so, because we were taking photos in every single corner and it took us nearly 4h to get outside of the market! According to photography I would claim that she is kind of my soulmate. Well, now you'll have a quick overview:
Yeah, after all that we went to Wilton's Music Hall, an antique theatre, which is nowadays kind of an alternative theatre and a bar as well.. so lovely!! Amazing, awesome and so expensive! Because of that we went to a near pub, next to the Tower Bridge and at a hidden place on the Themse. It was also wonderful, but definitely not that good as Wilton's! For everyone who is interested can watch the link below for pictures and more information: Wilton's Music Hall
Around midnight I went alone back to Orpington, but then I found 2 other German volunteers from the arrival camp, who are living near to Birmingham and after travelling and walking we had another nice chat in Tabea's lovely lounge. Well on Sunday Monika and I went back and after several trains we finally arrived home at 4pm. Gym, information exchange and chilling were the next thing on my list and well, I feel great! When I'm looking forward I see 3 trips to London during October and 1 week holiday in Denmark.. sounds quite nice!! But of course I'm glad to work with my students again, so let the week begin! See you later! xxx Jan xxx
P.S.: For all who wants to see more pictures, scroll down and enjoy!
Hiyaa guys!! Heute ist es mal wieder Zeit um die letzte Woche Revue passieren zu lassen.. und die war wie folgt: Eigentlich recht gut, zwar kalt und regnerisch, aber was erwartet man denn auch anderes in England?! Gut, da ich in der Schulwoche jetzt keine allzu einschneidenen Erlebnisse hatte, beschränke ich mich mal nur auf das letzte Woche.. welches super, super war!! Es ging für Monika (aus Ungarn) und mich am Freitagabend los und wir mussten recht hektisch Alton verlassen um noch früh in London zu sein.. bedeutet gegen halb 10. Der Grund für unsere Reise war der Geburtstag einer sehr guten Mitfreiwilligen aus Berlin, die ihren 20ten Geburtstag in kleiner Runde zu Hause gefeiert hat. Und da sie nicht direkt in London wohnt mussten wir mit dem Zug in den Randbezirk Orpington fahren, der 20min mit dem Schnellzug entfernt ist. Dort angekommen fühlt man sich auch nicht wirklich wie in London, mehr oder weniger wie in einer anderen Kleinstadt. Nagut und da es cat and dogs geregnet hat wollten wir dementsprechend schnell ankommen und nach einigen kleinen Verirrungen haben wir schließlich unser Ziel erreicht! Kleine Nebenstory: Währenddessen haben sich unsere Mitfreiwillis weiterhin auf die Suche nach dem besten Pub gemacht und dieses Mal hatten sie Hilfe von einer waschechten Britin!! Nämlich unserer Koordinatorin aus der Schule, die mal gerne mit uns in den Pub gehen wollte. Jedenfalls waren sie dann auch in 3 unterschiedlichen Pubs und laut Erzählungen soll es sehr, sehr gut und sehr seltsam gewesen sein.. Mehr dazu nicht! Gut wir waren nun bei Tabea angekommen und es war schon 'ne mega riesige Party im Gange und mit uns wurde es nur noch besser, denn wir waren die Ersten.. Man redet und schnackt und alles ist nett und dann kommen langsam immer mehr Leute dazu und schnell ging die richtige Feier dann auch los und zwar in der Küche?! Es gab dort zwar ein großes, gemütliches Wohnzimmer aber die Küche wurde dann doch vorgezogen. Naja, hier ein paar Bilder des Abends:
Und der ganze Spaß ging dann bis um kurz vor 5!! Während des Abends habe ich aber nicht nur mit "altvertrauten" Leuten geredet sondern auch noch Tabeas Mitbewohner DoDo aus Taiwan und die überaus nette und einzigartige Liz aus Australien kennengelernt!! Toll, toll, toll! Am nächsten Tag ging es dann mit Tabea um 1 auf nach London und zuerst wurden Kleinigkeiten in der Londoner Shoppinghölle (Oxfordstreet) getätigt und mein Gott was hasse ich diesen Ort. Alle sind mürrisch und so unfreundlich das man davon einfach angesteckt wird und sich durch die Massen drängeln muss um seine Plätze zu erreichen.. Ich freu mich schon auf die Weihnachtseinkäufe!! Danach habe ich mich dann von Tabea erstmal verabschiedet und mich mit der Brasilianerin Mariana in Camden Town zu treffen. Und was soll ich sagen.. ich liebe Mariana für ihre pure Fröhlichkeit und Gelassenheit und ich liebe Camden Town. Es gibt so viele alternative Shops und so viel internationales Zeug, dass man aus dem Staunen gar nicht mehr heraus kommt. Und da ich in Mariana, bezüglich der Photographie eine Seelenpartnerin gefunden habe, haben wir an jeder Ecke Fotos gemacht und brauchten geschätzte 4 Stunden um aus dem Camden Market herauszukommen. Wow!! Hier nun Beweisaufnahmen:
Uuund dann ging es auf zur Wilton's Music Hall einem antiken Theater, welches nun ein kleines, alternatives Theater und gleichzeitig eine Bar ist.. Einfach herrlich! Wunderschön, gewaltig und mächtig teuer!! Also wollten wir unser Geld lieber woanders ausgeben, deswegen ging es in einen benachbarten Pub neben der Tower Bridge.. Schön versteckt an der Themse und auch wundervoll, wenn auch nicht ganz so toll wie Wilton's. Wer interessiert ist guckt einfach mal auf deren Seite: Wilton's Music Hall
Spät ging es dann wieder zurück nach Orpington und ich war nicht allein, denn 2 Freiwillige aus Deutschland, die jetzt in der Nähe von Birmingham wohnen sind mit mir gekommen und es wurde in Tabea's nettem Stübchen wieder schön geplaudert. Und am Sonntag ging es dann wieder auf nach Alton, es wurde sich von allen verabschiedet und um 16Uhr sind wir dann wieder in unserer Heimatstadt angekommen. Fitnessstudio, Informationen austauschen und sich entspannend stand auf dem Plan und joa mir geht es super. Wenn ich in die nahe Zukunft blicke, sehe ich innerhalb Oktobers 3 Londontermine und eine Woche Dänemark. Das nennt sich doch mal Leben! Ich freue natürlich auch auf meine Schüler und deswegen auf, auf in die kommende Woche!! Bis zum nächsten Mal!! xxx Jan xxx
P.S.: Da man ja nie genug Bilder haben kann, gibt es jetzt noch mal ein paar Extrabilder!!